Gym Equipment in the UK | Healthy Outfit
At Healthy Outfit, we provide high-quality gym equipment across the UK. Based in Runcorn, Cheshire, we deliver hex dumbbells, cast iron plates, kettlebells, gym racks, and more nationwide.
Shop NowWhy Choose Healthy Outfit?
Premium Quality
Durable gym equipment built to last for years of workouts
Fast UK Delivery
Secure and efficient nationwide shipping
Competitive Pricing
Best value without compromising on quality
5-Star Service
Trusted by thousands of UK fitness enthusiasts
Secure Checkout
Multiple payment options with encrypted security
Expert Advice
Personalized guidance for your fitness journey
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Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 4 PM
Sunday: Closed
Contact Us
Phone: 01925945175
Address: Healthy, 5 Ashville Way, Runcorn, WA7 3EZ, United Kingdom
VAT Number: GB440341045
Trade Number: 14050025